In 2022, a total of 10,831 live births were registered in the province of Agusan del Sur. More males (5,709 or 52.7 percent) were registered than females (5,122 or 47.3 percent). This resulted to a sex ratio at birth of 111 males per 100 females.
In 2022, a total of 39,986 live births were registered in the region. Of the total, more males (20,865 or 52.2 percent) were registered than females (19,121 or 47.8 percent). This resulted in a sex ratio at birth of 109 males per 100 females.
Based on the 2020 Census of Population and Housing (2020 CPH), of the 2.51 million household population five (5) years old and over, 219, 657 persons had at least one domain of functional difficulty, that is, any of the six (6) functional domains of seeing, hearing, walking or climbing steps, remembering or concentrating, self-caring (washing all over or dressing) or communicating. This is nearly nine (9) in every 100 persons (8.7%).
Based on the 2020 Census of Population and Housing (2020 CPH), Caraga had a total population of 2,804,788. Of this total, the household population comprised 99.7 percent or 2,795,340.
In 2021, a total of 36,108 live births were registered in the region. More males (18,873 or 52.3%) were registered than females (17,235 or 47.7%). This resulted to a sex ratio at birth of 109 males per 100 females.