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Aside from the conduct of different surveys, we also started the 2022 Community-Based Monitoring System (CBMS) wherein 60 Local Government Units (LGUs) in Caraga joined the 2022 roll-out. More coordination had been done and more Technical Working Groups (TWGs) had been created to rally support from our stakeholders. The Regional Statistics Committee (RSC) was able to pass 21 resolutions and conduct several trainings for its member agencies and LGUs. The RSC award received in 2022 as the Breakthrough RSC was indeed astounding. As of December 2022, the Caraga PhilSys team was able to register more than 2 million national ID registrants accounting for 82 percent of the target in the region.

The year 2021 was a fruitful year for PSA Caraga despite the many challenges and emotional toll the year has taken on everyone. I’m grateful with our accomplishments during such an unprecedented chapter in our history. The experiences that we have had, both beautiful and unpleasant, serves as an inspiration for us to move forward.