The Quarterly Commercial Fisheries Survey (QCFS), Quarterly Municipal Fisheries Survey (QMFS), Quarterly Inland Fisheries Survey (QIFS) and Quarterly Aquaculture Survey (QAqS) are conducted simultaneously in all provinces of the region in the First Quarter of 2023.
The data collection for the QCFS and QMFS runs from January 1 to March 31 utilizing a new sample selection procedure and the 2021 Listing of Marine Fish Landing Centers (LMFLC) as the sampling frame while the QIFS and QAqs data collection is scheduled on March 13- 24.
At the national, regional and provincial level, the surveys intend to produce volume and value data on commercial fisheries, marine municipal fisheries, inland fisheries and aquaculture production by species and by quarter which may be used in the compilation of national accounts, studies, assessments of the performance of agriculture, formulation of policies and execution of programs.
The data collection involves gathering of data from sample fish landing centers for commercial and municipal fisheries as well as selected sample aquafarm operators and inland fishing households by hired Statistical Researchers (SRs) and/or PSA regular staff.
All information collected by the hired Statistical Researchers and/or Field Supervisors from sample farmers shall be kept strictly confidential and shall not be used for purposes of taxation, investigation or regulation as provided under Article 55 of RA 10625.
Approved by:
Regional Director
Philippine Statistics Authority-RSSO XIII
Tel. No.: (085) 225-5219/ Telefax No.: (085) 815-4935
Email add: rssocaraga@psa.gov.ph