Palay Situationer in Agusan del Sur (Third Quarter 2023)
Palay Production in Agusan del Sur drops by -29.10 percent in Third Quarter of 2023

Agusan del Sur is considered as the third major producer of Palay in Caraga Region. It accounted for about 19.83 percent of the region’s 7,128 metric tons production in the third quarter of 2023.
The volume of palay production in Agusan del Sur decreased by -29.10 percent, from 10,054 metric tons during the third quarter of 2022 to 7,128 metric tons in the third quarter of 2023. This translates to a decrease of 2,926 metric tons of palay during the reference period.
The reduced in volume of production during the quarter was attributed by less area planted and harvested. Some rainfed and upland areas were planted with watermelon, squash, sweet potato and etc. Moreover, change in planting schedule due to unavailability of water during the middle to last of the second quarter of 2023.
By ecosystem, palay production from irrigated farms triggered the significant decrease in the total volume of palay production in Agusan del Sur as it dropped by -28.90 percent, from 4,241 metric tons in the third quarter of 2022 to 2,995 metric tons in same period of 2023.
However, the volume of production of palay from rainfed farms also dropped by -28.90 percent posting at 4,133 metric tons in third quarter of 2023 from 5,813 metric tons in the same period of 2022. No record of production was reported for upland ecosystem during the third quarter in both years.

Of the 7,128 metric tons of palay production in Agusan del Sur during the third quarter of 2023, about 12.00 percent or 873 metric tons were produced using Farmer’s/Good Seeds type of seeds. In the same period of 2022, production for this seed type comprised 9.00 percent of the total palay production.
Production of palay using Inbred-Certified Seeds totaled to 6,036 metric tons or 85.00 percent of the total palay production. This is lower than the reported 89 percent of palay production under this seed type during the third quarter of 2022.
Meanwhile, 3.00 percent or 219 metric tons of palay production in the province utilized Hybrid type of seeds.

During the third quarter of 2023, area harvested to palay in Agusan del Sur deplete by -28.44 percent posting at 2,143 hectares from 2,995 hectares in same period of 2022. Drop was noted in both types of ecosystems but higher decrease was reported in rainfed areas.
Area harvested to palay in irrigated farms decreased by -24.49 percent, from 1,135 hectares in the third quarter of 2022 to 857 hectares in the same period of 2023. Area harvested to palay in rainfall farms also decreased by -30.86 percent, from 1,860 hectares to 1,286 hectares during the quarter in review. Irrigated farms comprised 40.00 percent of the total area harvested to palay while rainfed accounted only 60.00 percent

Palay production, area and yield and other production data are generated from Palay Production Survey (PPS) which is one of the major agricultural surveys of the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA). The PPS is conducted nationwide every quarter of each year. It aims to generate estimates that serve as inputs for policy making and programs on palay. Production data generated from the PPS are inputs to the Performance of Agriculture Report (PAR) and preparation of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
Palay - refers to the local term for unhulled rice; also known as paddy or rough rice; scientifically called Oryza Sativa Linn.
Production – refers to quantity produced and actually harvested during reference period. It includes those harvested but damaged, stolen, given away, consumed, given as harvesters’ and threshers’ shares, reserved, etc. Palay production from seed growers which are intended for seed purposes is excluded from the survey.
Irrigated – area with irrigation facilities supplying water through artificial means like gravity, force/power, pump, etc. Irrigated area become rainfed only, when the irrigation system is no longer operational for the past two (2) years and beyond repair and there is no plan of irrigating the farm.
Rainfed – palay grown on this ecosystem has dikes to retain water and is solely dependent on rainfall for its water supply. Rainfed can be converted to irrigated only if area is laid with permanent irrigation facilities.
Upland – palay grown on this ecosystem does not have amenities for standing water. It is usually located along elevated lands, along rivers, between hills, hillsides, etc. Upland type is confined not only to high places or hillsides but also to low areas having no facilities for standing water.
Hybrid - is the product of cross pollination or the transfer of pollen from the anther of one palay plant to the stigma of another palay plant. Thus, two palay plants are needed to produce its seeds, one serving as the female parent and the other, as male parent. Also called an F1, a hybrid variety exhibits better performance than its parents. Seeds harvested from the F1 hybrid are not recommended for planting in the following season owing to expected reduction in the quality and quantity of the yield.
Inbred-Certified - is the product of self-pollination or the transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma of the same flower. Thus, only one palay plant is needed to produce its seeds. Seeds harvested from an inbred variety can still be used for the next planting season without much reduction in the quality and quantity of the yield, provided rouging was regularly done.
Farmers’/Good seeds - refer to seeds produced from varieties not yet approved by the National Seed Industry Council (NSIC) but meet the prescribed standards set by the certifying agency. It can also be any class of seeds that do not conform to the corresponding standards set by the certifying agency.
Traditional/Native seeds - refer to the indigenous varieties.
Chief Statistical Specialist