The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) Caraga is currently conducting the Monthly Palay and Corn Situation Reporting System (MPCSRS) in all the five provinces of the region. The MPCSR results for the month of February is set to be released by March 15 while the data collection for the March MPCSR will be on March 1-5.
The MPCSRS is a monitoring system of the growing conditions and actual plantings of palay and corn. It aims to update the palay and corn estimates of the current quarter based on standing crop, as well as estimates for the next quarter based on planting intentions of farming households.
The survey is conducted on a monthly basis, in-between the Palay and Corn Production Survey (PCPS) rounds done by PSA, during the first five (5) days in the months of February, March, May, June, August, September, and November.
The data collection involves gathering of data through face-to-face paper and pencil interview by Statistical Researchers (SRs) and regular staff. Prior to the field operation, training/orientation of hired SRs was conducted in all Provincial Statistical Offices (PSOs) to assure uniform understanding of concepts used in the survey during the data collection and processing. Likewise, PSA assures that SRs will continue to strictly adhere to proper health protocols when dealing with respondents.
All information will be treated with the highest confidentiality in accordance with Section 19 of Republic Act (RA) No. 10173, also known as the "Data Privacy Act of 2012". Moreover, Section 26 of RA No. 10625 states that "individual data supplied by a respondent to statistical inquiries, surveys, and censuses performed by the PSA shall be considered privileged communication and as such shall be inadmissible as evidence in any process."
Approved by:
Regional Director
Philippine Statistics Authority-RSSO XIII
Tel. No.: (085) 225-5219/ Telefax No.: (085) 815-4935
Email add: rssocaraga@psa.gov.ph